Fear and breast cancer-here is help

                        Fear is  Breast Cancer's best friend

Hello dear sister

If you are reading this I know that you are looking for help with the trauma related to a breast cancer diagnosis.  Many women with breast cancer have undiagnosed Post tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I am one of them. Through my own healing, I have developed a highly effective method of dealing with the physiological and phsyical changes that PTSD causes in the brain.  Using pricipals from  neuro science and  neuro plasticity, learned from years of working as a play therapist with traumatized children, I have been able to develop a program to help victoms of breast cancer get a grip on the fear that so often is an overwhelming factor in the cancer experience. Research has shown that stress underminds the immune system, further complicating the process of recovery. My simple to do program  is designed to be tailored to you. It has been very effective for myself and those I have shared it with thus far.  I know you want to feel better, as a three time survivor I have been in your shoes.

What I will share with you:
What are the symptoms of PTSD-how is it diagnosed?
What happens inside the brain with prolonged trauma
Why and how neuro reprogramming works-in simple terms
 How to identify panic triggers and how to take their power away                                        
 How you can build your own custom program for stronger mental health one step at a time
 How to take your life back from the fear caused by Cancer

Contact me for a session to get started. I promise you that you will be glad you did. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  In the dark of dispair, I found the lantern to light my way out.  I want to share it with you. Ready to use brain science together with the power that is all ready inside of you to find a calmer place from which to fight your battle with cancer?

I have made online sessions very affordable at $50.00, less than half my regular counseling fee.
*This fee is available to breast cancer survivors only.

Here is wishing you sweet wellness in every way.

Merilee Dodson, MA, LPC, CFLE, NCC

Beating back the beast of Breast Cancer one client at a time

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