Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Is stage one breast cancer " no big deal?"

Stage one breast cancer, no big deal right? Caught early, chances of survival are very good. What they don't tell you is the years that follow are going to be very challenging, physically, mentally and emotionally. I am three years out from my original diagnosis of Invasive Lobular carcinoma.

There are several types of breast cancer, this is one of them. What began with a one centimeter lump on my right breast, turned into a 3 year nightmare that almost went unchecked (and would have if I had listen to the first doctor I saw about it.)

I have a story to tell about my experiences and what I have learned. My hope is that I can help others who are faced with this avoid the mistakes that I made through ignorance, misguided advise from professionals and allowing my own fear to run my thoughts.

I will be posting a plethora of topics so check back daily if you want to learn from a real life person who has lived the experience. In the mean time, if you feel a lump get it checked!

Tomorrow: What are the stages of breast cancer and what do they mean?


  1. Just had a scare. Mammogram showed something suspicious so they wanted to investigate further with an ultrasound. Had that done this morning....the radiologist said, "nothing too much to worry about at this point, but lets retest in 6 months." Not a good feeling

  2. Hi Anonymous

    Sorry you had a scare, and you are right-Not a good feeling. My experience has been that the radiologist would be suggesting a biopsy if they had seen anything concerning. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that at your 6 month follow up, they find nothing again. Are you feeling comfortable with this outcome? If you aren't you can always get a second opinion.

  3. Here is a quite from a woman who is now a stage IV patient. " Be your own advocate and stay on top of things, I went from a stage I to a stage IV while under the supervision of an oncologist."
