I wanted to let you know that members of BreastCancer.org are planning a mass pink mailing to Washington on January 23rd. Many are choosing to use the language in the petition drafted by the Breast Cancer Coallition (http:// breastcancerbeast.blogspot. com/p/breast-cancer-c...ure-petition.html) and others are writing personal letters. Some of us are doing both.
Please ask everyone you know to join us in making an enormous pink delivery so that it can be picked up by the media. There is power in numbers.
The odds of the women and little girls in your life of facing breastcancer is now 1 in 8. Someone is diagnosed every 3 minutes in this country.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Please ask everyone you know to join us in making an enormous pink delivery so that it can be picked up by the media. There is power in numbers.
The odds of the women and little girls in your life of facing breastcancer is now 1 in 8. Someone is diagnosed every 3 minutes in this country.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Hi Ladies, Welcome! A few members from Breast Cancer.org will be supplying a few more examples of letters for this movement. There are several issues that we have and I will try to provide a sample that focuses on each issue. Check back later today. I will post them as soon as I get them.